Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

Seven days late of letting you know, but its never too late. Hello to the baby new year.

I feel old. I can vividly remember 2000's new year like it was yesterday, yet here I am on the threshold of 2009 amply surprised on how these past nine years just whisked by me.

I'm still petite. I don't think I've grown much since 2000. Just barely enough to skate the little people height requirement. I believe I clear the height limit by 3 inches.

I'm not so innocent anymore, thanks to age and time. I'm not as boy crazy. I grew a little bit of a womanly figure. But other than that I still like look like my old self.

Back then, I was an avid journal person. I filled journals in a few weeks. I wrote everything from Braves scores, to Javy Lopez' batting average, to what I ate that night. Today, I still journal by hand (more so than blogging). Journaling to me is therapeutic and yes, it contains my deepest, my darkest concerns, my hopes and my dreams. I can get pretty candid when blogging but I'm pretty much all out when I'm journaling. But unlike the distant days of filling pages, I seem to be too exhausted to journal at night sometimes writing and updating weeks in between instead of days and at one time, I had a dry spell for 5 weeks.

I need to write more. I was looking back on my work the last 2 years and I've been able to produce some outstanding work. But the stuff I've written lately are just that: stuff. It's not literature. It's just stuff with some fluff.

In my ideal world, I'd have a get-away vacation home somewhere in the snowy Rockies. Or the Alps. A cozy cabin where I have a maid serving me endless cups of espresso and cookies and a typewriter.

Sounds corny and cliche but I think that just might get some of my creative juices flowing. Until then, I guess I'll try to squeeze out the future Pulitzer wanna-be's in whatever way I can, even in grammar error laden blogs like this.

Anyway, I'll try random things... like the following exercise:

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

* No tagging here of course... it's a blog!

1. I have a bucket list. Not necessarily of things I want to do before I die, but just things in general I want to do. Some of them are atrociously ambitious (Goodwill Ambassador anyone?), adventurous (sky dive, base dive, bungee jump...), romantic (wake up and watch the sun rise)... But one in particular that I can put a HALF check next to was to write the President a letter, which I have. I wrote it after 9/11 in high school to President Bush simply because I wanted to thank him for leading the country. I didn't get a reply back. I'm still waiting President Bush you have 13 days left in office!

Maybe President Obama will answer my letter.

2. Some of the saddest days of my life has come around the holidays, one in particular in my childhood. But I still love Christmas very much.

3. Speaking of Christmas, I love the season this much: I listen to Christmas music year round and start preparing for the season in the BER months.

4. I don't make and or eat PBJ sandwiches unless Katey makes them. They only taste good when she makes them.

5. I was once in a pageant. 6th grade to be exact. It was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life and the only time I have ever put hairspray on my hair.

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